Monday, May 16, 2005
The Making of Israeli Militarism
by Uri Ben-Eliezer "The origins of Israeli militarism lie in methods and practices which developed in the military realm during the decade leading up to independence in 1948..." (more)
SIPs: cultural militarism, new military way, kibbutz training groups, ghetto destroyers, militaristic politics (more)

Friday, May 13, 2005

Viewpoint: The State of Laptop Linux - 2005
— Last year I made some waves here at when I published an article recounting my efforts to find a Linux distribution that would work 'out-of-the-box' with my Toshiba laptop. To say that I was profoundly disappointed doesn't begin to describe how I felt when a vocal minority of readers basically accused me of treason. 'How dare I hold Linux to the same standards as Windows! Windows comes installed; Microsoft has it easier! Etc. Etc.'