Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Dalia Rabikovitz Died

What "Tina" Wrote (Si Himan)--- מרוב אהבה

קודם כל זהו יום עצוב נורא .את דליה כל מי שאהב ליווה תמיד בחצי פעימת לב של " רק שלא תגיע הידיעה הנוראית שהיא הלכה לעולמה " כאילו חיינו ביידעה שתמיד קשה לה -שכל דבר שהיה לה עלה לה בבריאות ובמאמץ .
אכן הזמנתי את דליה למרכז עינב וגם לתיאטרון תמונע ואפילו לגבעתיים לאחרונה והיא תמיד ענתה שהיא לא חשה בטוב .
אני קטונתי לחלוטין מלקחת כל קרדיט או משהו אישי - לא נפגשתי אישית אפילו פעם אחת לצערי עם דליה אבל ... ויש אבל גדול ... שוחחנו בשנים האחרונות כמה פעמים טלפונית .. העברתי לדליה כמובן את הדיסק כשיצא ושוחחנו ארוכות . היא אמרה משהו מקסים - אמרה לי שאני מצליחה לתרגם את רגשותיה דרך הקול שלי - ויתרה מכך אמרה ששיר כמו " מרוב אהבה " כל כך חשוב שלא יקלקלו - ואכן לא קילקלו.יהי זכרה ברוך ומי יתן וכמו אותן ילדות בצפורנים שחורות מעמל .. אותן ילדות ששוברות צלחות מרוב אהבה מרוב אהבה ... נזכה לשמוע יותר זמרים שרים את שיריה המון אהבה ותפילה שעכשיו יותר טוב לה .איפה שלא תהיה נשמתה אני מאחלת לה מנוחה . כי כאן בעולמנו האכזר לא היתה לה. ואפילו אני שידועה באופטימיות ונתינה אינסופית לא הצלחתי להעלות חיוך על שפתיה ... אולי בעצם כן ואני לא יודעת

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Cox-2 drugs are down. But they may not be out.

August 20, 2005
Battered but Unbowed: Can Painkillers Recover?
Cox-2 drugs are down. But they may not be out.

By deciding yesterday that the Merck drug Vioxx contributed to the death of a Texas man, a jury dealt another punch to the battered class of arthritis painkillers known as cox-2's. Merck withdrew Vioxx from the market last fall over safety concerns, and Pfizer did the same thing a few months later with one of its cox-2 drugs, Bextra.

So why are some companies, including Merck and Pfizer, still betting on a big cox-2 comeback?

For one thing some analysts have said that sales of Celebrex, another drug by Pfizer that is the only cox-2 remaining on the United States market, are already rebounding after a big slump last winter. Celebrex sales, they say, could reach as high as $2 billion this year, a decline of 39 percent from last year. The rebound comes despite warnings that Celebrex - like Vioxx and Bextra - can cause cardiovascular problems in some patients. Merck has another cox-2 drug, Arcoxia, that is already approved in 54 other countries and generated worldwide sales of $100 million in the first half of this year.

Meantime, GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis and even Merck are investing millions in clinical research to prove the safety of new cox-2's, which must clear newly raised hurdles to gain Food and Drug Administration approval, with submission of data to the F.D.A. still several years away.

For all the clouds that hang over the class, cox-2's are still valued by some physicians as a type of anti-inflammatory drug designed to be safer on the stomach than some more conventional painkillers, like aspirin. The drugs reduce the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding by selectively inhibiting a specific enzyme, cyclooxygenase-2.

"There's still quite a lot of potential with these drugs," said Gustav Ando, an analyst for the business research firm Global Insight, in Waltham, Mass. "It's just that the name has been tarnished and they need to rebrand the therapeutic area."

Mr. Ando said that the companies with cox-2's in development would be closely watching yesterday's jury verdict and its aftermath to gauge the potential risks of being associated with the class. But for many, the potential rewards may lure them forward.

Many analysts and doctors predict that the dearth of effective painkillers and the growing ranks of baby boomers suffering from aching joints will drive growth in the market.

The worldwide market for cox-2's surpassed $7 billion in 2004, and had been projected to reach $9 billion by 2010, before the Vioxx and Bextra withdrawals sent the market tumbling. Mr. Ando predicts it will take the industry several years to define the drugs' cardiovascular risks and benefits clearly and to sort through a potential regulatory thicket before the market begins to rebound.

Dr. Stanley Cohen, a rheumatologist in Dallas, said that the withdrawal of Vioxx last September as well as Bextra in April had been devastating to some of his patients, even though he has tried to substitute with other drugs.

"We've all been trying to come up with our own type of game plan until there's better evidence-based medicine to guide us," said Dr. Cohen, who has tried Mobic (a drug marketed jointly by Boehringer Ingelheim and Abbott Laboratories), analgesics and older anti-inflammatories combined with Tylenol on his patients. But not all users of those drugs find relief.

Data compiled by Verispan, a company that tracks pharmaceutical prescribing, shows that a variety of generic anti-inflammatories and Mobic have been the big beneficiaries of the cox-2 controversy. Prescriptions of Mobic, which is similar in some ways to the cox-2's, went from 277,569 in August 2004, before Vioxx's withdrawal, to 698,145 this June.

"I had a number of patients who only responded to Bextra or only responded to Vioxx," Dr. Cohen said. "We had a terrible time giving them comfort when those drugs were removed from the market."

It is just those types of patients, suffering with pain, that Glaxo's senior vice president for neuroscience medicines, Dr. Daniel J. Burch, cited when discussing his company's as yet unnamed cox-2 drug, known currently as 406381.

"There's really not much out there to treat patients who have chronic pain," Dr. Burch said. "The media has really scared a lot of people. A lot of people are not taking pain medications because they're worried about the cardiovascular risk."

Glaxo, which is making a gigantic investment in drug 406381, announced in May that it would go forward with Phase 3 clinical studies - the last phase of patient trials before submitting a drug for F.D.A. approval. Dr. Burch said the test would probably involve more than 20,000 patients. The company is currently in talks with the F.D.A. to design the trial.

The cost of such large trials is high, often exceeding several thousand dollars a patient. But in studying the cox-2's, the sample size is extremely important. Because only 1 percent or 2 percent of patients might be susceptible to cardiovascular risks, smaller samples may not adequately reveal any risks.

"Really what we're talking about in our Phase 3 program is demonstrating a compelling benefit that this drug will have," Dr. Burch said. "We're going to measure the risk unlike anyone has ever done before."

Glaxo was late to the cox-2 party. But Mr. Ando said that could work to the company's advantage. "It's the only drug that's completely disassociated from the crisis," he said. "All the other drugs had brand names given to them."

Glaxo also says its drug is different from other cox-2's because it works on the central nervous system in addition to peripheral nerves. But even if all goes well with the drug, it will very likely be three years before patients can use 406381.

A drug that could potentially be closer to market in this country is Arcoxia from Merck. It is already the largest-selling painkiller in Brazil, where Mr. Ando said it was benefiting from the withdrawal of Vioxx and Bextra. Merck initially submitted Arcoxia for F.D.A. approval in 2001 and received a letter last year indicating that it could eventually be approved, with further data, the company said.

The company now has under way a 23,000-person clinical trial, called Medal, to test Arcoxia's cardiovascular safety compared with diclofenac, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory that is one of the world's largest-selling painkillers, sold under a variety of generic and brand names. The results of Medal, which will be available soon, are being combined with data from two other trials to get a sample size of more than 30,000 patients, according to Tracy Ogden, a Merck spokeswoman.

"Of course, having Medal under way and continuing shows our commitment in exploring this product," Ms. Ogden said.

Still, an investment report in May by Friedman Billings Ramsey said Arcoxia's future was unclear. The report noted that members of an F.D.A. panel were unenthusiastic in February about the design of the Medal trial and it also compared Arcoxia's safety profile with that of Vioxx.

Novartis, meanwhile, is pushing ahead with its cox-2 drug, Prexige, already approved in 22 countries and on the market in Brazil. The company submitted it for F.D.A. approval in November 2002, but the agency said the next year that it could not approve the drug because the company had submitted inadequate data. Novartis is continuing clinical studies and hopes to resubmit data to the F.D.A in 2007, with plans to request approval for patients with serious gastrointestinal problems.

"Novartis believes that for the right patient, Prexige might prove the pain relief needed," the company said in a statement yesterday.

Dr. Garret A. FitzGerald of the University of Pennsylvania, who first noticed problems with the cox-2's in 1998, said the new scrutiny the drugs are receiving could provide an opportunity for the pharmaceutical industry to develop an individualized approach to managing drug risks. Such an approach would involve identifying and locating the genetic biomarkers that make some people susceptible to cardiovascular risks from cox-2's and, also, the markers that make some people's pain respond to the drugs.

"It's a small risk," Dr. FitzGerald said. "How do we detect that small number of people who are getting into trouble so we can stop the drug?"

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Polls and Lies!

The Israeli Politicians follow the Polls!
instead of Ideology and Policy!!
Netanyahu this week resigned because he says he is against the Pullback
But if he really wanted to stop the Pullback he could have resigned Months
Ago!! But the Polls favour Netanyahu in the Likud,
Also if Sharon Peres and Tommy Lapid create a New Party, They should win according
to the Poll's!!
I say it is time to Change the System of Elections to The Knesset,
Like Ben Gurion wanted too.

סקרים ושקרים

כתבתי על הציונות החדשה שלי! או שלנו.
נראה עכשיו שבמקום ציונות יש
סקרים ושקרים!
הפוליטיקאים מקבלים החלטות גורליות לפי הסקר!!!
אורי דן אמר לפני כמה שבועות שאחרי ההינתקות תבוא
ההינתקות הפוליטית-לקח מהבחירה הישירה
ושיטת הפתק הכפול שכשלה

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Discovered Ynet in English Bibi Less Budget

Discovered Ynet in English Bibi Less Budget

A Bibi-less Budget vote

So long and thanks for all the cash; the Israeli government convenes to discuss and later vote on state funding plan Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had worked for months to compile; Cabinet also approved appointment of Ehud Olmert to replace Netanyahu, who quit on Sunday in protest of planned Gaza pullout
By Diana Bahur-Nir

The seat of former Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu remained empty as the cabinet met to discuss and later vote on the 2006 state budget he had compiled.

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon told said the budget "must be approved by the end of the day", as the ministers met to discuss amendments he had made a day after Netanyahu quit the government in protest of Israel’s planned pullout from the Gaza Strip and the northern West Bank next week.

Netanyahu had proposed budget cuts of a total NIS 3.6 billion in several ministries.

A day after his resignation, Sharon amended the budget to increase funding for the Defense Ministry, demanding a cut of NIS 650 million instead of the NIS 1.5 billion that Netanyahu had proposed.

More funds were needed for the defense budget in wake of an increased Iranian nuclear threat, sources in the prime minister’s office said.

Army Chief Lt.-General Dan Halutz said the cuts would allow security forces to survive by the end of 2005 only, adding that "we are planning wide-range organizational changes in the army, whose benefits we will not be able to witness within a month, but after a longer term."

Netanyahu slammed the increase in the defense budget, saying it would "bring to cuts in the budget for those who need such funds. The decision is wrong."

Olmert approved for finance minister

The cabinet also approved the appointment of his replacement, Vice Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.

“This may not be the budget I compiled, but it’s important to show stability and approve the framework of the budget that has existed until today.”

“The government’s stance, where the deficit goal stands at three percent and spending grows by only one percent, has been commended greatly and should continue in order to pass on a message of stability and continuity. If we don’t, we will cause irreversible damage,” he said.

Education Minister Limor Livnat and Health Minister Danny Naveh threatened to vote against the budget due to proposed cuts in her ministry’s budget.

Both joined Netanyahu and two other ministers in voting against the first stage of Israel’s evacuation of Gaza settlements on Sunday and have voiced opposition to the plan in the media.

- Shani Mizrahi contributed to this report

Monday, August 01, 2005

Wisconsin Blah Blah!

התוכנית, אשר אומצה מארה"ב, תפעל לצמצום התלות של משקי הבית בגמלאות קיום, ולהשבת מקבליהן לעולם התעסוקה * בלב התוכנית עומדת התפיסה כי עבודה היא זכות
01/08/2005 15:05 | ענבל אביב

תוכנית ויסקונסין הקרוייה בעברית - מהל"ב (מהבטחת הכנסה לתעסוקה בטוחה) יוצאת לדרך (ב', 1.8.05). ממלא-מקום ראש הממשלה ושר התמ"ת אהוד אולמרט, ושר האוצר בנימין נתניהו, יחד עם מנכ"לי המשרדים ומינהלת מהל"ב, קיימו הבוקר תדרוך עיתונאים המפרט את עיקרי התוכנית.

מהיום פתוחים מרכזי התעסוקה הראשונים והחלו להגיע אליהם מקבלי הבטחת הכנסה. בשלב הראשון - לתקופת ניסוי של שנתיים - נפתחו ארבעה מרכזים: בירושלים, נצרת-נצרת עילית, חדרה ואשקלון-שדרות.

ממשרד האוצר נמסר, כי תוכנית מהל"ב הינה תוכנית המכוונת לקדם השתלבות מקבלי גמלאות הבטחת הכנסה בעבודה. התוכנית תיפעל לצימצום התלות של משקי הבית בגמלאות קיום, ולהשבת מקבליהן לעולם התעסוקה.

בלב התוכנית עומדת התפיסה כי עבודה היא זכות, כל אדם יכול וצריך לעבוד בראש ובראשונה למען עצמו.

האזורים, בהם יוקמו מרכזי התעסוקה הראשונים נבחרו בהמלצת צוות מקצועי ממשרד האוצר. בארבעה אזורים אלה מרוכזים כ-14,000 משקי בית, המתקיימים מהבטחת הכנסה והמחויבים להתייצב בלשכות התעסוקה. כל מרכז יפעל כ-Center One Stop Job ויספק במרוכז את מכלול השירותים הנדרשים לחסרי התעסוקה לשם השבתם למעגל העבודה.

במסגרת התוכנית ייעשה מאמץ מרוכז לשלב את מקבלי הגמלאות בעבודה המאפשרת להם למצות את פוטנציאל ההשתכרות שלהם, תוך ליווי, סיוע, הכוונה והדרכה. המרכז יספק קשת של שירותים משלימים ובהם: מעקב אחר תעסוקה, השגחה על ילדים, הסעות, ייעוץ פסיכולוגי, תעסוקתי ורפואי, שירותי קהילה ושירותים פיננסיים. ארבעת המרכזים יפעלו בפיקוח מינהלת מטעם משרד התמ"ת.